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IQ Tests - What is an IQ Test

IQ Test Services

An IQ test is an assessment that measures a range of cognitive abilities and provides a score that is intended to serve as a measure of an individual's intellectual abilities and potential. IQ tests are among the most administered psychological tests.
To understand what these scores really mean, it is essential to look at exactly how these test scores are calculated. Today, many IQ tests are standardized, and scores are derived by comparing individual performance against the norm for people in that age group.
While many tests utilize similar methods to derive their scores, it is also important to note that each IQ test is different. Additionally, scoring methods may not be the same from one test to another.
IQ is short for intelligence quotient and is "a type of standard score that indicates how far above, or how far below, his/her peer group an individual stands in mental ability" according to Mensa International, an organization for people scoring in the top 2% for IQ.
Types of IQ Tests
There are several different intelligence tests in existence and their content can vary considerably.
Some are used for adults, but many are specifically designed to be administered to children.
Some commonly used intelligence tests include:
  • Cognitive Assessment System
  • Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children
  • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
  • Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test
  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
  • Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities
Which IQ test is best or more accurate? Unfortunately, there is no consensus on this. Instead, some suggest that each test measures a different notion of intelligence, thus IQ test scores can vary depending on what is being measured and the test being taken.
Uses of IQ Tests
IQ tests can be used for a wide range of purposes, including:
  • Educational assessment and placement
  • Assessment and diagnosis of intellectual disability
  • Cognitive research
  • Job candidate evaluation
  • Assessing cognitive abilities including memory, speed, and attention
Modern intelligence tests often focus on abilities such as mathematical skills, memory, spatial perception, and language abilities. The capacity to see relationships, solve problems, and remember information are important components of intelligence, so these are often the skills on which IQ tests focus.
Impact of IQ Testing
IQ can have an impact on different areas of life, including school and work. High scores are often associated with higher achievement in school, while lower scores may be linked to some form of intellectual disability.
The following is a rough breakdown of various IQ score ranges. Some tests present scores differently and with differing interpretations of what those scores might mean.
IQ Classifications
IQ Level Descriptive Classification

130+ Very Superior
120 to 129 Superior
110 to 119 High Average
90 to 109 Average
80 to 89 Low Average
70 to 79 Borderline
69 & below Intellectual Disability
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